24 research outputs found

    Kerangka E-pembelajaran TVET Kursus Kemahiran Praktikal: E-Learning Framework of TVET Practical Skills Courses

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    Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) dalam talian adalah salah satu transformasi pendidikan ke arah digital dan kini merupakan keperluan terutama semasa pandemik. PdP di institusi Latihan Teknikal dan Vokasional (TVET) mengutamakan kepada kemahiran praktikal, yang menjadi salah satu Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015-2025 (Pendidikan Tinggi). Perlaksanaan PdP kurang berkesan jika kursus kemahiran praktikal dijalankan secara dalam talian tanpa panduan yang dirangka khas. Justeru, kajian ini akan membangunkan kerangka e- pembelajaran TVET bagi kursus kemahiran praktikal yang ditawarkan di institusi TVET. Objektif bagi kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti komponen dalam kerangka e-pembelajaran TVET kursus kemahiran praktikal dan menguji penerimaan kerangka memalui prototaip aplikasi. Responden bagi kajian ini adalah pensyarah pakar daripada Diploma Pengurusan Peruncitan Politeknik Nilai yang melaksanakan pengajaran dan pembelajaran TVET. Kajian ini dibahagikan kepada dua fasa iaitu mengenalpasti elemen daripada kajian lepas dan fasa kedua adalah penilaian penerimaan kerangka oleh sepuluh orang pakar bidang yang bertujuan untuk melihat kesesuaian serta penerimaan kerangka untuk dijadikan panduan oleh tenaga pengajar TVET. Dapatan hasil kajian dianalisis untuk memenuhi objektif kajian. Kerangka kajian ini berasaskan model Komuniti Inkuiri dan Kerangka Kelayakan Malaysia (MQF) serta penggunaan realiti terimbuh. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pakar bidang bersetuju terhadap elemen yang digunakan bagi kerangka pembelajaran. Daripada analisis menunjukkan kerangka ini boleh dilaksanakan dalam proses PdP dalam talian serta mampu membantu tenaga pengajar TVET untuk melaksanakan pengajaran berbentuk kemahiran praktikal selain itu juga ianya berfungsi sebagai panduan yang dapat digunakan oleh tenaga pengajar untuk meningkatkan kreativiti, penglibatan dan komunikasi pelajar bersama tenaga pengajar.  Online teaching and learning (TnL) is one of the transformation of education towards digital it is a necessity now especially during a pandemic. The TnL in Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) institutions prioritizes on the practical, which is one of the Malaysia Education Development Plan 2015-2025 (Higher Education). The implementation of TnL is less effective if the practical course is conducted online without a guide specially designed for the practical subject. Thus, this study will develop an TVET e-learning framework for practical courses offered in TVET institution. The objective of this study is to identify components in the TVET e-learning framework of practical skills courses and test the acceptance of the framework through application prototypes. Respondents for this study are specialist lecturers from Nilai Polytechnic Retail Management Diploma who implement TVET teaching and learning. This study is divided into two phases which is identify elements from the previous study and the second phase is the assessment of the acceptance of the framework by ten experts in the field which aims to see the suitability and acceptance of the framework to be used as a guide by TVET teaching staff. The results of the study were analyzed to meet the objectives of the study. This research framework is based on the Community of Inquiry model and the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF) also use of augmented reality. The results of the analysis show that experts agree on the elements used for the learning framework. From analysis,this framework can be implemented in the online TnL process and is capable of helping TVET instructors to implement practical skills teaching in addition it functions as a guide for lecturer to increase creativity, engagement and communication of students with lecturer

    Usability guidelines for elderly website interface

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    The elderly population is growing every year. Most of them are retirees. The number of elderly are significantly increasing in the near future. Therefore, it is important to see them as a large scale users of technology. However, the information system that exists is mostly general and not specific to a particular group. For the elderly, this is a constraint for those who have certain deficiencies such as having reduced visibility, movement, and deterioration of cognitive skills. It is essential to conduct a study to identify the problems faced by the elderly in using existing information system. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to discuss the construction of a usability guideline for elderly website interface. The study began by identifying the problems faced by the elderly to the usability of the current information systems that are available interviews. Usability characteristics of information systems that are suitable to the elderly are identified and a guideline for the elderly interface usability of information systems is constructed. These guideline illustrates that a friendly website interface for elderly are sites that provide usage facilities to the elderly such as simple language, large font size, navigation that is easy to use and has a combination of media such as video and audio. These guidelines are used to develop usability’s website interface for elderly. The website evaluation is conducted to assess the usability features used in the design. The website is tested by target users. Feedback from the elderly is used to enhance the interface to become more usable and can serve as a reference for web developers

    Exploring indicators of engagement: applications for gamification of online training systems

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    In recent years, gamification is being used in business organization for an increased employee engagement in the work place. However, less has been said about engagement of employees in online training to learn new skills and knowledge that may help or improve status quo in the organization. This paper explores the engagement indicators and game elements that may foster employee engagement in online training. The study employs an iterative step-by-step methodology that is used in information technology for the development of artefacts. As a result, a framework to implement the gamification technique in online training is proposed. The framework consists of a gamification construct that contains a set of commonly used game elements such as points, levels, challenges, rewards, competition, progress bar, leaderboard, badges, and feedback. The framework also contains three engagement dimensions including behavioural, emotional, and cognitive dimensions. To achieve the main objective of the study, an iterative process used by information technology researchers to develop new artefacts and their constructs is employed. As for the formulation of the hypothesis, for the evaluation of gamification’s influence on employee engagement when attending an online training, Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is employed

    Teknologi realiti terimbuh aplikasi mudah alih anatomi jantung manusia

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    Pembangunan Aplikasi Mudah Alih Realiti Terimbuh Anatomi Jantung Manusia adalah untuk memberi tumpuan kepada pembelajaran secara mudah alih yang digunakan oleh pelajar matrikulasi yang mengambil subjek Biologi. Aplikasi ini adalah untuk pelajar matrikulasi bagi menambahkan lagi kefahaman tentang anatomi jantung manusia seiring dengan silibus Biologi peringkat matrikulasi melalui teknologi realiti terimbuh (Augmented Reality) dan pendekatan gamifikasi. Tidak semua pelajar mempunyai keupayaan mengingati sesuatu dengan mudah dan cepat jika tidak mempunyai visual yang jelas terhadap sesuatu objek kerana kebanyakan bahan pembelajaran yang disediakan adalah dalam bentuk 2D. Hal ini kerana majoriti pelajar menggunakan buku ataupun video sebagai bahan rujukan mereka. Penyelesaian yang dicadangkan ialah aplikasi yang menyediakan modul mengandungi imej berbentuk 3D yang membolehkan pelajar memutarkan visual jantung manusia dengan penerapan elemen animasi pada persekitaran realiti terimbuh. Selain itu, aplikasi ini menggunakan elemen gamifikasi dengan menyediakan modul latihan berbentuk kuiz pemain tunggal dan multi pemain yang mampu menarik minat pelajar dan meningkatkan motivasi pelajar tentang topik yang dipelajari. Metodologi kajian ini merangkumi fasa keperluan, reka bentuk, implementasi dan pengujian. Pengujian kebolehgunaan telah dilaksanakan terhadap 25 pengguna terdiri daripada pelajar matrikulasi merangkumi pelajar program satu tahun dan dua tahun. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan Aplikasi Mudah Alih Realiti Terimbuh Anatomi Jantung Manusia diterima oleh sebilangan besar pengguna

    Pengujian kebolehgunaan model saringan kemurungan remaja melalui kaedah telusuran kognitif

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    Kajian ini memfokuskan pada pengujian kebolehgunaan model saringan kemurungan yang telah dibangunkan. Model ini dibentuk bagi menyelesaikan masalah motivasi remaja dalam menjalani saringan tahap kemurungan berasaskan gamifikasi. Kemurungan menyebabkan remaja mengalami perubahan emosi seperti rasa putus asa, kehilangan minat untuk terlibat dalam sebarang aktiviti, tiada keyakinan diri serta rasa dirinya tidak berharga yang akhirnya menyebabkan mereka tidak bermotivasi untuk menjalani saringan kemurungan secara bersemuka di institusi perubatan. Model yang dibina menerapkan elemen gamifikasi yang terdiri daripada mekanik dan komponen permainan, elemen motivasi ekstrinsik dan intrinsik, dan jenis pengguna. Prototaip dibangunkan sebagai medium kesahan terhadap model berkenaan. Penilaian ke atas prototaip dilaksana melalui kaedah telusuran kognitif untuk tujuan pemeriksaan aspek kebolehgunaan dengan melibatkan lima orang responden yang mempunyai kepakaran dalam bidang kaunseling remaja dan Interaksi Manusia-Komputer (HCI). Hasil analisis mendapati tahap kebolehgunaan model ini adalah pada tahap tinggi, iaitu kesemua responden telah memberikan maklum balas positif ke atas set-set tindakan yang disediakan. Melalui dapatan ini, model yang dibentuk telah disahkan melalui pengujian pemeriksaan dan boleh diterima pakai sebagai panduan kepada pembangunan sistem saringan kemurungan yang sebenar. Model ini juga telah melalui penambah baikan dengan perincian yang lebih jelas pada setiap elemen reka bentuk gamifikasi yang terlibat

    Awareness of digital footprint management in the new media amongst youth

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    The industrial revolution creates a new era where everything can be accessed via the Internet. However, despite all the advantages, the new era of technology comes with disadvantages as well. Studies have shown that the youth category is the group that is a synonym to technology. Most of the youth nowadays enjoy using the features but lacked the information on the footprint of their Internet browsing history. When individuals engaged with the Internet, they generated a complex trail of these digital footprints that may include their various presentation of self, based on social profiles and comments, traces of their activities, interest, interaction and anything else they choose to share online. However, the extent to which netizens are aware that they are creating these tracks and traces and have some ability to manipulate and control them is unclear at present. Thus, the objective of this paper is to identify the level of awareness among youth about the digital footprint. The research started with a structured survey distributed to respondents as a data collection requirement for analysis. A quantitative research method is employed in this research. Survey was conducted to the three main areas namely urban, suburban and rural as a sample of the population. Results were presented in the form of description analysis with respondents demographic and perception of respondents based on digital footprint awareness

    User experience evaluation towards interface design of digital footprint awareness application

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    User experience (UX) towards designs of an application or product affects the way such user receives the product. UX also becomes increasingly crucial as users obtain a rating of downloaded app experience that may affect sales and improve the application performance expectations. This study aims to evaluate user experience in order to validate user needs on digital footprint awareness applications that have been developed through the triangulation technique that involves three user experience testing methods which are guessability, think aloud and observation to acquire feedback and suggestions from experts and end users for the application development. The findings indicate that an important aspect of user satisfaction within this app is the use of attractive colours, clear and appropriate texts and clear and systematic guidelines to reduce the user's cognitive strains. In addition, the emphasis is on enhancing the fun, entertaining and interface design based on using different perspectives of its use in fun, motivational challenges and skills to enhance the application usability and learning ability

    Learning object reusability in e- learning

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    The Internet has brought drastic changes in the way people work, communicate, and entertain themselves. The Internet is now viewed as the primary medium to facilitate e-learning. Using the Internet and the World Wide Web for e-learning brings many advantages to education providers. E-Learning provides an environment where learners are able to access educational materials anywhere, anytime and at any place. It is much more cost effective and efficient to provide e-learning compared to traditional classroom learning. E-learning over the web is also more convenient since students can access learning materials at any time of the day. Presently, a significant change is taking place in the way e-learning is provided. At the heart of this change is something referred to as a learning object – an item of content, a learning resource, or an entity of learning capable of being reused from one course to another. The content of related courses taught at different schools and universities often tend to be similar. If course content is either partially or completely delivered using learning object, there is great potential for reusing these resources within one organization, and more importantly, between organization. Since the cost of developing the learning material can be shared among its potential users, it is significantly cheaper to make course material available on the Web by reusing resources created by others (Downes, 2001). The most obvious motivation is the economic interest of reusing learning material instead of repeatedly authoring it and also enhances the quality of digital learning experiences (Mohan & Brooks 2003, Duval & Hodgins 2000). Other motivations can be found in the pedagogical area since learner-centric teaching theories invite instructors to use a wide variety of didactic material (Motelet et al 2007). The term Learning Object is one of the main research topics in the e-learning community in the recent years, and most researchers pay attention to the issue of Learning Object reusability (Duval & Hodgins 2003, Motelet et al 2007). Reusable of Learning Object can be achieved if learning materials are broken down into small content units that can be easily handled. Several standards have been developed so far aiming to improve Learning Object reusability and IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM) and Dublin Core are among two initiatives specifying a standardized set of metadata that facilitates reusability and accessibility of Web-based learning materials

    Kursus e-hospitaliti dan pelancongan berdasarkan gaya pembelajaran pelajar

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    Kebolehan memproses sesuatu maklumat dalam pembelajaran melibatkan keupayaan pelajar untuk menerima dan memahami maklumat yang diperoleh. Keupayaan tenaga pengajar dalam mengenal pasti kaedah pembelajaran yang bersesuaian dengan gaya pembelajaran memainkan peranan penting dalam peningkatan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara berterusan. Keperluan dalam mempelbagai kaedah pembelajaran pada masa kini dilihat sebagai langkah untuk memperhalusi pendekatan pembelajaran seiring dengan pembangunan teknologi terkini. Gaya pembelajaran pelajar yang berbeza mempengaruhi kualiti pembelajaran dan tahap motivasi terhadap sesuatu kursus, khususnya kursus hospitaliti dan pelancongan. Kursus ini kurang diberi penekanan daripada aspek teori dan hanya memberi tumpuan terhadap keperluan praktikal sahaja. Justeru, kajian ini mengkaji kepada penyesuaian gaya pembelajaran pelajar berdasarkan model gaya pembelajaran Felder-Silverman. Gaya pembelajaran pelajar yang dikenalpasti melalui kajian tinjauan terhadap 80 orang pelajar kursus Hospitaliti dan Pelancongan diguna sebagai asas untuk pembangunan model e-Hospitaliti dan Pelancongan. Model e-Hospitaliti dan Pelancongan yang dihasil boleh dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam e-Pembelajaran teknikal dan vokasional